EventSession Formset ID 284

Event: ccnw23 2023
Type: Work Group
Title: SNNs for Human Pose Estimation (or something like that)
is_program_session: True

Human Pose Estimation task is extremely challenging with event-driven cameras. We have been able to do it with an ANN approach but we are curious how would we go about approaching with an SNN. It's a 13 point skeleton regression problem with 2D pose from a single camara, in the camera reference frame. We have the popular Human 3.6m video dataset's event converted version in good quality (spatial and temporal resolution) and DHP19, in the same format. 

This can be either an implementation or a discussion about possibilities.

Moderators: Gaurvi Goyal,
Schedule ID start time end time location
388 May 08 2023, 15:00 May 08 2023, 16:00 Lobby
337 May 02 2023, 15:00 May 02 2023, 16:00 Open air area near lobby
370 May 05 2023, 14:00 May 05 2023, 15:00 Lobby
397 May 09 2023, 15:00 May 09 2023, 16:00 Lobby
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