The CapoCaccia Workshops toward Neuromorphic Intelligence

Giacomo, Tobi, Shih, Misha, Christof Koch, Terry Sejnowski and I  created the Telluride workshop in the early nineties. At that time we were very nearly all (maybe half..) the Neuromorphic community on the planet. And very few people took the direction seriously. The goal of Telluride, and then of CC was expressly to promote the neuromorphic approach, establish an international community, and _collaborate_ to achieve the kind of technical advances which could only otherwise happen in well-funded industrial labs.

Now, with Telluride funded for over 25 years, and 'neuromorphic' nearly a household word (and everyone else claiming they have invented it..)  I think we can claim some success in our workshop methods!  Change is good - but it must be considered carefully against the ongoing and long-term progress of the central goal - to bootstrap the _neuromorphic_ approach  to design and implementation of intelligent systems.

The building of an international _collaborative_ community has been the cornerstone of our progress. We have shared designs, hardware, interfaces, software, and importantly ideas freely, and it appears to everyone's benefit. We have also been able to move a little upward from the necessary circuit-level obsessions, to more system level (behavioral) considerations. Meanwhile the large scale digitally implemented circuit approaches to neuromorphic function, such as DeepLearning, are converging toward the same behavioral questions. All of these efforts take inspiration, and relevant detail from Biology. But they are clearly aimed at developing technologies. They do not pretend to explain biological intelligence per se. But of course, by working with the constaints of technology, one comes better to understand the Biology.

All this is why the mission statement for the CC workshops is:

"The mission of "The CapoCaccia Workshops for Neuromorphic Intelligence"
is understand the principles of biological intelligence, and apply this
knowledge in technologies."