EventSession Formset ID 155

Event: ccnw22 2022
Type: Discussion
Title: Tutorial: introduction to PyTorch
Description: Some people who have not worked with deep learning before are interested in an introduction to pytorch. We will give a very introductory tutorial on what PyTorch is, how to train your first (more or less) deep neural network with it, how to use it with a GPU, and how to do all the above with spiking networks models. If you already know everything about pytorch, you can also join and help teaching, since the tutorial will be rather improvised. Some follow-ups can also be organised based on interest. For example we could have a more focused one on spiking networks in pytorch, which could be taught by someone else. Make sure to bring your laptops so that we can make this hands-on. Since downloading torch can be difficult on this network, we can use google Colab for now. We will start with 45 minutes of PyTorch introduction by Martino followed by 45 minutes of introduction to spiking networks in PyTorch by Jens. You can prepare by installing PyTorch and Norse via the following links: PyTorch: Norse:
Moderators: Martino Sorbaro,
Schedule ID start time end time location
220 May 06 2022, 21:00 May 06 2022, 22:30 Lecture room
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