EventSession Formset ID 298

Event: ccnw23 2023
Type: Discussion
Title: Practical PyTorch for event-based computing
is_program_session: True

This session consists of two parts: a whirlwind introduction to PyTorch and its use in neuromorphics.

The first part (20 minutes) will explain the fundamentals of PyTorch by

  • How PyTorch works with tensors and network layers
  • How PyTorch propagates gradients
  • How PyTorch can optimize networks

The second part (30 minutes) will explain how we can use PyTorch in neuromorphics by

  • Introducing spiking simulations via the PyTorch extension Norse (
  • Connecting to event cameras with AEStream (
  • Real-time edge detection of event data with an SNN
Speaker: Christian Pehle, Jens Egholm Pedersen,
Moderators: Christian Pehle, Jens Egholm Pedersen,
Schedule ID start time end time location
382 May 08 2023, 21:00 May 08 2023, 22:00 Lecture room
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