The CapoCaccia Workshops toward Neuromorphic Intelligence

Registration for CCNW 2025

Registration will open at 00:01 CET 6 January 2025, and close at 23:59 CET on 20 January 2025.  

The link to the registration back-end is at the bottom of this page. Please read the information below before registering.

If you would like to receive announcements about the workshop, then please join the workshop mailing list at:

Please Note:

The annual CCNW is a closed Workshop organized by iniForum GmbH. In order to attend the meeting you must be a registered partipant residing at the Hotel Dei Pini only. For techical and operational reasons it is not possible for persons to attend the workshop from accommodation at a different hotel.  Please don't even ask. There will be no exceptions.

Partiicipants of CCNW are required to pay a registration fee (in addition to accommodation costs).   The meeting would not be financially feasible without this registration fee, which covers the cost the meeting rooms, equipment logistics, airport shuttle,  adminstration, conference dinner, daily coffee-breaks, etc. Administration and logistics for this meeting involve many person-weeks of preparation and execution by admin staff. The personnel cost of this effort is born by iniForum, and also INI. 

iniForum negotiates very favorable rates with the Hotel on the basis of a pre-paid block booking for full board accommodation (including breakfast, lunch and dinner) and general use of facilities. Therefore all hotel reservations must be made also through the iniForum registration link below. Please do not attempt to make a direct reservation with the hotel!  

If you wish to bring family members with you to the Workshop, then contact iniForum for this family request. iniForum will manage family room requests on a case by case basis. Once again - do not attempt to make arrangements directly with the hotel.

Procedure for registration as a participant at CCNW

Registration for CCNW is a two-step process:

  1. First, you need to make a provisional registeration using the link below. During this step no payments of any kind are necessary.  You will be asked to provide personal details and co-ordinates, indicate dates of attendance, accommodation required, etc.  You will also be requested to fill in a questionnaire that will be used by the Program Committee to select the candidates that they deem most appropriate for the workshop program of this year. This selection is necessary because the requests to attend CCNW far exceed the maximum possible.  
  2. After the provisional registration closes, the PC will select the persons who will be admitted to the workshop. You will be notified by email of the result. If successfull, you will be given a link to our payment site where you will be required to pay for your registration and accommodation. Payment is by credit card. No other forms of payment will be accepted. The payment is made via the STRIPE payment system. STRIPE will email you a suitable receipt that you may wish to tender to you home institution for reimbursement. iniForum and this site do not see or store your payment details — the transaction is entirely secured by STRIPE.  After successful payment you are considered a participant in the Workshop, and will soon receive credentials to log in to this CCNW site, where you can begin to prepare workgroups etc for this year's Workshop.



Some important dates for 2025 Registration:

- opening of registration process: 6.1.2025
- application and registratiion window: 6.1.-20.1.2025
- committee’s evaluation: 21.1.-3.2.25 
- communication with applicants: 4.-10.2.25
- payment due after flight booking - last date: 28.2.25
- modification deadline: 22.3.25

- refund deadline for cancellations: 23.3.25