The participants introduce themselves to the Workshop - using only 6 words!
General introduction to the way neuromorphic life is at CC.
Then Sebastianian introduces the main conecpts of Neuromorphic Engineering, which leads on to general discussion on what we think we are doing here.
Mercifully, there will be a …
One-shot concept acquisition, vs incremental calibration and tuning.
Florian directs the process...
#### PUT A LINK HERE TO YOUR WORKGROUP IF IT RELATES TO THIS THEME (your workgroup can be linked to multiple clusters) ######
Announcement of a discussion group around the issues of single-shot and single-pass learning mechanisms:
Real-time event-based laser tracking:
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I will bring a neuromorphic prototype chip with on-chip learning. The chip is called ALIVE, which stands for Always on Learning wIth Various synapsEs.
The ALIVE chip consists of two neural cores that implement two different dendritic error-based learning rules using multi-compartment neurons with several active dendritic branches. Both cores …
#### PUT A LINK HERE TO YOUR WORKGROUP IF IT RELATES TO THIS THEME (your workgroup can be linked to multiple clusters) ######
Speech denoising group:
#### PUT A LINK HERE TO YOUR WORKGROUP IF IT RELATES TO THIS THEME (your workgroup can be linked to multiple clusters) ######
Plastic balanced random networks in NEST:
dummy text
One of the proposed tasks in the new NeuroBench suite ( involves "Adaptive Learning of Keywords and Gestures".
In this workgroup we'll have a go at applying various existing approaches to this task (and, obviously, any amazing new ideas you come up with at Capocaccia)
Tracking animals, moving through natural environments is a big challenge in biology. Historically, this has been semi-automated with students-in-the-loop but this approach doesn't really scale to long experiments/lots of individuals.
Event-cameras are really interesting in this context as they 'automatically' remove the background and extract motion. Last summer I took …
#### PUT A LINK HERE TO YOUR WORKGROUP IF IT RELATES TO THIS THEME (your workgroup can be linked to multiple clusters) ######
We bring along multiple BrainScales-2 systems and invite everyone to try some of our demos or implement their own neuromorphic experiments.
The most recent generation of BrainScaleS-2 ASICs features 512 analog multi-compartment neuron circuits with 256 plastic synapses each.
The analog circuits are tightly coupled to on-chip digital event routing …
Lu.i (phonetic notation of »Louis«, an homage to Louis Lapicque, who first formulated the leaky integrate-and-fire model) is an electronic neuron circuit mimicking and illustrating the basic dynamics of real, biological neurons. The printed circuit board (PCB) features a configurable, fully analog implementation of the leaky …
Human Pose Estimation task is extremely challenging with event-driven cameras. We have been able to do it with an ANN approach but we are curious how would we go about approaching with an SNN. It's a 13 point skeleton regression problem with 2D pose from a single camara, in the …
Fancy running your SNNs 10x faster? Our GPU enhanced Neuronal Networks (GeNN) library is freely available from and provides an environment for GPU accelerated spiking neural network simulations. GeNN is capable of simulating large spiking neural network (SNN) models at competitive speeds, even on single, commodity GPUs. In GeNN, …
Equipment: Cart-pole simulator and real cart-pole used by Tobi Delbruck for MPC tests
Possible directions:
The Argo Joyways Drangonforce 65 boat with Rasberry Pi 3, 9-DOF IMU, GPS, and 3 axis wind sensor. Aim is to get it sailing and collect some data towards imitation-learning to sail with simple MLP or RNN. See slack #hardware-argo channel.
In this workgroup, we will train spiking balanced random networks via supervised eligibility propagation (Bellec et al., 2020) in the NEST simulator (Sinha et al., 2023). One concrete idea would be to endow a network including spiking central pattern generators (CPGs) for locomotion to drive a robotic arm. Traditionally known …
Goal: Track a laser pointer (controlled by a human) with a second, programmable laser pointer based on the input from an event camera in real-time. One additional twist is that the event camera can move! So, the mapping should, ideally, be adaptive. The controllable laser should also be governed …
This workgroup is now CLOSED!
Hearing impairment is a large societal problem, and speech enhancement is one type of help for this problem. Speech enhancement aims to filter clean speech from speech mixed with background noise. Such enhancement would ideally be integrated with hearing aides. The power, latency and energy constraints of hearing aides make …
Expanding silica to the cm scale
Neuromorphic sensors typically emit address-event representations (AER), but integrating such sensors with our infrastructure is difficult and time consuming. We all feel this pain, and we can do much better as a community.
In this discussion session, we'll present our take on how we can lower the barrier-to-entry for working …
As well as being a notable feature of biological learning mechanisms and therefore worthy of study in its own right, single-shot and single-pass learning offers many advantages including (potentially huge) gains in speed and energy use, as well as continuous and adaptive learning. I would like to explore the …
We will discuss large language models from various neuromorphic perspectives:
What we will not discuss:
Is attention all you need?
How does the success of transformers affects our approch to designing intelligent systems?
Does the brain follow similar principles, and can brain-inspired models do better?
What we do not talk about in this session:
I will review results in the literature that suggest that neocortical pyramidal cells should have three separate computational zones:
1) soma and proximal dendrites
2) distal dendrites
3) apical tuft
The reason why this level of detail is needed is that each of these zones differ significantly in several key …
Brief intro on (our understanding of) why there are so many different flavors of neuromorphic chips and discussion on what's the point of doing this.
Within the community there are different views/opinions, and even within the CapoCaccia participants there are different viewpoints.
There will likely be lively discussions! Be sure …
We give a thorough introduction to the intuition and equations of self-attention and transformers. No prior experience needed. This discussion serves to get us on the same page for further discussions on large language models (hardware implementations, new algorithm design, few-shot learning, is it AGI?).
Florian will answer the question: "why bigger animals have bigger brains?"
This discussion group is meant to bring algorithmic ideas, be it inspired by neuroscience or machine learning to analog or digital CMOS hardware. One whiteboard is reserved for people with ideas that they think, are worth investigating and one is reserved for people that have an idea for an analog …
We will discuss which are the encoding principles of biological touch and how we can derive useful processing circuits from biology.
Microphysiological systems (MPS), often labeled as Organ-on-chip technologies, are developing rapidly for medical and pharmaceutical testing, however there have been a questions about whether these technologies could be implemented as a computational system. MPS are primarily appealing with the advent of induced pluripotent stem cells, where differentiated neurons do not …
Together with the speakers of the morning session, we will continue discussing the approach of "computing with dynamics". We want to start a dialog with computational neuroscientists and engineers: why aren't we implementing theses systems in hardware? what are their limitations? what needs to be solved so that we can …
This session consists of two parts: a whirlwind introduction to PyTorch and its use in neuromorphics.
The first part (20 minutes) will explain the fundamentals of PyTorch by
The second part (30 minutes) …
In this discussion group we will introduce different memristor types, their strengths and weaknesses, and applications.
One of the main obstacles in the development of analog neuromorphic hardware has proven
to be their increased fragility to noise and fabrication mismatch. Biological systems, however, address similar limitations with amazing effectiveness and efficiency through
their unique multiscale, mixed-feedback organizational principles. Rodolphe will introduce his ongoing efforts to develop …
Christoph, the great, will tell us about his brain's theories.. and remember he wants to understand the brain! ;)
A short discussion of how neuronal data is collected.
We will talk about the main methods of collecting neuronal data. Advantages and disadvantages of different methods.
The main methods we will discuss will be electrophysiology and imaging.
Time scales, spatial resolution, circuit analysis, and methods to perturb the activity.
If …
David will continue with what he was telling us his morning discussion on monday!
We will brainstorm new benchmarks with embodied robotics and neuromorphic hardware that can push forward both our communities :)
Discussion with Henry Kennedy on the computational role of long-range connectivity in cortical circuits
Lets gather together every other day to play football at the hotel's court! Or as the italians call it "calcetto" :)
A group to organize outdoor rock climbing during the workshop. Please add yourself if interested! More info to follow...
For anyone interested in playing some matches :)
Let's say 30 to 60' of yoga and meditation on the beach. Meeting at 6:30am in the bar terrace.
Come to watch one of the best games of the beautiful game this season, Real Madrid vs Manchester City.
Outside of research, there is but one other discipline that takes you to the limit of what your mind and body can sustain. Join us for a grappling seminar on the lawn next to the disco to find out more!
The art of gently submitting your opponents to your will …